The History
The Foston Institute was established in 1985 under the name of the Foston Adolescent Workshop Inc, It began as a offshoot of Dr. Foston's medical practice, The Foston Adolescent Care Center, Inc. After opening her practice for Teenagers only, she quickly realized that her patients would need more of her patience and time than they would need medicine. So, for the last 39 years, Dr Foston has devoted her professional life to helping young people get to adulthood safely and aware of their unique gifts. This business has matured through several distinct phases but always with a singular purpose.
Phase One 1985 - 1995
Dr. Foston helped over 2000 teenagers write and perform three original musicals, copyright over 75 songs, 18 television episodes of the fictitious Freeman High school, and latch hook a 25 sq, yd tapestry that says "Don't Do Drugs. She also worked with thousands of teenagers by conducting her famous " All-Nighter Workshops across the country. Her time was apportioned 90% work with teens in her medical practice and workshop, and 10% lecturing to adult groups. Towards the end of that decade, Dr. Foston realized that she needed a way yo reach teens faster. She was blessed to begin capturing all of the teen's pain on paper through her poetry . She published her first book of poetry, "You Don't Live on my Street, in 1991. Several more volumes of poetry were published in the next several years and The Foston Institute's program emphasis shifted to self-publishing, and public speaking
Phase Two 1995-2005
Her pivotal year was 1996. She closed her practice, The Foston Adolescent Care Center, and devoted 50 % of her time speaking to adults groups. performing and Seminary. During this decade she published twenty more books and accepted numerous speaking engagements. She became a premier trainer of adults who work with teens. Her strategy of Holistic Mentoring become a sought after topic for educational groups across the country.
Phase Three 2005-2015
In 2006, the Foston Adolescent Workshop was changed to the Foston Institute Inc. Because her extensive wealth of knowledge and experience in working with young people as a Preacher, Presenter, Public Speaker, Published Author, Poet, Physician, Program Designer, and Program Reviewer, her sphere of influenced changed. The name change was accompanied by a relocation from Gary , Indiana to Clarksville, Tennessee. She continued to crisscross the country as a expert presenter on Adolescent Issues . Dr. Foston produced her first movie , "You Don't Live On My Street". She also toured the country promoting the movie. A Readers Theater of the same name was also produced. Her time was spilt 50% speaking to adults, and 50% writing.
Phase Four 2015-2025
During this phase , a second movie was produced , Did You See Their Faces? Sixteen additional poetry were written bringing the Grand Poetry Collection to 36. The decade shifted it primary focus to writing training manuals and developing an online component of their Holistic Mentoring Training Program. A connection was established with Fisk University and Belmont College to Beta test all the Training Materials. Dr Foston also established the Foston Foundation to train caring adults in her proven techniques of working with youth.